

Meade LX Registry

If you own one of Meade's 2080 or 2120 series of LX telescopes (ie: LX / LX2 / LX3 / LX4 / LX5 / LX6 / LX10 / LX50 / LX100 / LX200 / etc) and would be willing to share your serial number and year of manufacture (if known), please contact me at [email protected] and I will gladly add you to this list! Feel free to send me a pic of your scope as well if you'd like. You can also read the Meade LX Spotter's Guide, download manuals and view vintage LX advertisements.

Latest Addtions:
Chuck's 8" 2080 LX2 (Mar 6, 2025) - Dave's 12" LX90 (Mar 2, 2025) - Roger's 8" 2080 LX5 (Feb 28, 2025) - Jeremy's 8" 2080 LX (Feb 6, 2025) - James' 10" LX200 EMC (Jan 26, 2025) - Chris' 2080 LX3 (Jan 14, 2025) - Dane's 2120 LX5 (Jan 5, 2025) - Richard's 2080 LX (Nov 18, 2024) - Mike's 2080 LX (Oct 29, 2024) - Mark's 2080 LX6 (Sep 21, 2024)

The Meade 2080 LX Registry (Oldest to Newest)

Owner Model Year Serial Description Pic Doug F. Meade 2080 1980 800575 I just bought this 2080 from a local guy who used it twice, but took good care of it. The original owner bought it in 1980.   Fabrizio M. Meade 2080 1981 800867 I bought my Meade 2080 (SN 800867) in 1981 , here in Italy from a local optical shop. The 2080 is in excellent condition and I have been observing the sky for more than 40 years using its fantastic optics. I replaced the original fork mount (preserved in my garage) with a Celestron Losmandy G11 (with a ASTRO-ELECTRONIC FS2 Drive Unit). Fabrizio's Meade 2080 with G11 mount François A. Meade 2080 1981? 800898 My dad and I bought mine I was 14, in 1981. S/N 800898! Still in excellent condition. Images are clear and pinpoint like they were in 1981. Only the diagonal got less reflective and was to upgrade.   Mathias S. Meade 2080 1981? 801046 I recently bought a used 2080 mount with tripod which is obviously an early one.   Don I. Meade 2080 1981 801076 Got this from a local who is the original owner. Meade 2080 s/n 801076 sold in April 1981 making it one of the earliest ever made. It's in pristine condition and came with the original manual, invoice, and even the catalog he bought it from, all also in pristine condition. Don's Meade 2080 Dana G. Meade 2080 1981? 801169 I am in possession of my mother's Meade telescope. The serial number is 801169.   Mike B. Meade 2080 1981 801171 A very early 2080. Serial number 801171. Yes, THAT early. Manual has a Jan 1981 printing date, and an owner wrote "June 1982" on the cover, I assume that's a purchase date. It might have been the second owner!   Kris W. Meade 2080 1981? 801196 Recently got a "New to Me" Meade 2080 S/N 801196. Glad to have found your site!   Unknown Meade 2080 1981? 801334 Found on an astro buy/sell site. Has a 2-bolt collimation! If you bought it, let us know!   Tim W. Meade 2080 1981? 802248 On 2/23/21 I purchased a Meade telescope from my older brother who bought it during the 80s. I am not sure what model it is but, by researching, I think it is a 2080 with serial number 802248. There is a sticker on it that states "High Transmission coating". It has a very manual tabletop mount that I can't seem to find a resemblance anywhere on the internet. [EDIT: Agreed! It is an early Meade 2080 with a tabletop mount.] Tim's Meade 2080 Thomas Y. Meade 2080 1981? 802268 Am visiting Florida and bought this telescope. Wanted to send you the information for your records. Thomas' Meade 2080 Dr. Combrinck Meade 2080 1982? 802344 I recently came across this Beautiful telescope while doing renovations at the NWU Campus that I believe was made in 1983(?). Dr. Combrinck's Meade 2080 Dave S. Meade 2080 1982? 802351 On 11-29-20 I purchased a MEADE 2080. The serial number is 802351. The purchase included the telescope, mount with motor drive, and tripod. The seller has lost the eyepieces, cords and other accessories while moving. The mount is missing one know that controls the angle of inclination. This leaves me searching for an instructors manual, cord and that control knob...but I have already urchased one eyepiece and have used the scope for viewing eagles near my home. From your listings it appears to have been manufactured in 1981 or 1892. Dave's Meade 2080 SBAU Meade 2080 1982 802467 Meade 2080 sn 802467 donated by RonaldW to Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit (SBAU) in 2021. Will be looking to fix slipping, probably Cramer 1/8rpm motor? as we tried to clean sliding RA surfaces but still did not work. Mirror seems very clean. (Sent by TomT, SBAU webmaster) SBAU's Meade 2080 Jeff P. Meade 2080C 1982 802471 Hi Rick you can add my Meade 2080C serial # 802471 bought in the summer of 82, from Crown Optics (original owner). The 2080C came with a Kellner 25 and 9 mm eyepiece instead of the modified achromat eyepieces the 2080 came with. Crown shipped it in the steamer trunk (should have had “ a foam lined gift carton “, instead)   Tommy P. 2080 LX 1983? 803236 I just purchased a Meade 2080 LX, scope, wedge and tripod from the son of the original owner. Serial Number is 803236. It has some wear and cobwebs but I'll enjoy the restoration and use. Pic is attached. Tommy P's Meade 2080 LX Kyle M. 2080 LX 1983? 803271 I still have the Meade LX that my Dad gave me as a birthday gift in 1983 or 84, I can't remember if I was 13 or 14 at the time. Serial number 803271. Heres a pic of it last August 2020. Motor drive and everything else still function just fine minus some light wear and tear. Lots of deep sky objects have been seen through this over the years. It has always been stored in its original travel trunk until just a few years ago when it was replaced with a new one. Kyle's Meade 2080 LX Norman M. 2080 LX2 1983? 803331 Just got this Meade 2080 serial number 803331 with the original tripod and wedge. Everything was good except it was missing the 3 prong power cable. I was able to adapt a computer connector and is back to life. I have been able to track planets, Moon and other skyobjects.   Mark S. 2080 LX 1983? 803439 Not sure what year mine is but looking at the registered serials I would assume circa 1983?   Tom D. 2080 LX 1983 803553 Picked up a Meade 2080 today (fork mounted 8" SCT), AC drive only, with a plate on the base saying "LX Drive System". Original instruction manual is dated January of 1983.   Chuck R. 2080 LX2 1984? 803730 I have what I believe may be one of the rare LX2 2080s and am happy to add it to your registry. I don't know the year of manufacture. It has a PC-like AC power port, and the larger 8x50mm refractor finderscope with a helical focus mechanism and diagonal. The optics and coatings are nearly perfect, despite its age and extensive use. The wormdrive has provided superb tracking for sharp detail with visible errors for exposures over a minute with proper alignment and no guidescope. The serial number is 803730. I bought it from a photographer who hauled it all across North America to national parks for astrophotography. I plan on deforking the OTA and mounting it on a later model LX computerized GoTo fork mount that I have recently restored. Chucks's Meade 2080 LX2 Mike W. 2080 LX 1984? 803836 I obtained my Meade 2080 via a raffle a few years ago conducted by our local astronomy club. I've recently caught the "gee, what's up there" bug again and have been making efforts to incrementally improve my scope. This was my first SCT so there was a bit of a learning curve. It's been an enjoyable journey to this point and I'm now on the cusp of getting my feet wet with astrophotgraphy. Mike's 2080 LX T. Taylor 2080 LX 1984? 803952 I just bought the 2080 for $150 bucks and thought for the price I could dip my toe in the water before spending 2K or more T. Taylor's Meade 2080 LX Barry 2080 LX2 1984 804143 I have the rare Meade 2080LX2. I bought it new in May of 1984 used it through late 80's and left the hobby. Rarely I took it out for some things; Shoemaker Levy 9 hitting Jupiter, Hale Bopp, etc.   Ron D. 2080 LX2 1984 804144 Bought it New April 2, 1984. I've used it off and on right up to the present. It has the Wedge and Tripod and a 50mm finder scope with a Telrad. I sent the optics in to Meade under their lifetime warranty sometime in 1994. It's in great shape and I'm still sharing views with my Grandkids. Ron's Meade 2080 LX2 Val V. 2080 LX 1984 804346 I have a Meade 2080, purchased for me as a gift in 1984 in Perth, Western Australia, and it has a 240V power cable. The serial number is 804346, on a simple flat plate.   Dan K. 2080 LX 1984 804394 Hey Rick, I purchases a 2080 on LX drive at manual or power supply looking for is the serial number. [EDIT: Sent Dan a link the manual and some info about power.] Dan's 2080 LX Duane G. 2080 LX2 1984 804426 Just purchased from man who said he bought it from a friend a few years ago who was the original owner. Purchased new in 1986 [sic].   Chuck M. 2080 LX2 1984 804759 I just found your site. I have a Meade 2080LX2, which I purchased new in the early 1980s, with the case, tripod, manual, and many accessories. The serial number is 804759. I would be happy if you would add me to your registry. Keep up the good work!
[EDIT] I asked Chuck if he knew the date he purchased his LX2 and here is his response: I always maintain complete traceability for everything! The invoice was dated December 22, 1984.   dgreenheck 2080 LX 1984? 804791 I recently acquired a old Meade 2080 8" SCT plus mount+motor drive on Craigslist. The previous owner said he used it occasionally when he bought it, but it has been in storage for the last 10-15 years. Manual is dated 1983.   Jon H. 2080 LX2 1984? 804916 I believe it is a Meade lx2 2080. Serial number 804916. Looks like we have all the accessories as well. Thanks in advance for any help!   Unknown 2080 LX 1984? 804987 Found on eBay - if you bought it, let us know at [email protected]!   George S. 2080 LX3 1985? 805054 My Meade LX3 has all the MCOG lens enhancements available (A) Enhanced Mirror Coating Group (B) High Transmission Coating and is premo conditions and not for sale.   Fred C. 2080 LX 1985 805107 I have a pristine Meade Model 2080 8” SCT from 1985. Serial number 805107. Has original wedge, Star Drive, fork mount, mirror diagonal, finder scope, and heavy-duty tripod. The drive still works and is accurate when polar aligned.   Galen P. 2080 LX 1985 805113 I inherited this telescope from my father, took some great photos of the moon last night with an iPhone mount. Galen's Meade 2080 LX Nancy 2080 LX3 1985 805128 Hi. I have a Meade quartz lx drive telescope. The serial number is 805128. Nancy's Meade 2080 LX3 Dennis T. 2080 LX 1985 805214 I have owned an LX 2080 (8") since 1985. Serial #: 805214 Nancy's Meade 2080 LX3 Rich G. 2080 LX 1985 805235 My name is Rich and I own this telescope 805235 . What can you tell me about it or where to get info on it? [EDIT: I told Rich it is from 1985 and sent him a link to the user manual.]   Andrew W. 2080 LX3 1985 805675 Andrew contacted us looking for info on autoguiding his LX3 for astrophotography!   Scott S. 2080 LX3 1985 805763 Picked up a mint 2080 LX3 as part of a larger lot of scopes. Even has the 1980's vintage audio cassette!!! Scott's Meade 2080 LX3 Jim F. 2080 LX 1985 805926 I'm a first time telescope buyer/owner and bought this 2080 LX for $300 (see attached photo). The serial number is 805926, the mirrors look clear/good but it will likely need collimating. Based on what the seller told me I'm the third owner of this scope. The only thing missing is the tripod tray. Plugged in can hear the drive system turning, we'll see how it goes over the next few weeks of looking at the sky. Jim's Meade 2080 LX James L. 2080 LX 1985 805954 I found your site via a web search. Found an old telescope on Facebook and hated to see it get thrown away. Serial number 805954 c. Looks to be the plain LX model. [EDIT: Thank you for saving that LX!] James's Meade 2080 LX Jeff H. 2080 LX 1985 806079 Recieved this scope: Model 2080 serial number 806079. Everything is working like new and mirrors are wonderful. Jeff's Meade 2080 LX Paul 2080 LX3 1985 806201 The optics on the 8-inch look great. The electronics on the 8-inch are working fine.   Dave 2080 LX2 1985 806282 I have a Meade 2080 LX2. I'm the original owner. Purchased on June 25th 1985 in preperation of Comet Halley. Dave's Meade 2080 LX2 Andy N. 2080 LX3 1985 806469 I found your website after acquiring a Meade LX3. It all appears brand new. There is very little appearance of use. The serial number is 806469. There is a label that says "Multi Coated Silver Optics Group." Andy's Meade 2080 LX3 Trent S. 2080 LX3 1985 806584 Rick - Hey there, I'm not entirely sure what i have but its a Meade 8in LX drive system, silver coated optics group. Serial number 806584 any info would be great. Im wanting to make it goto capable, it has a plug in for the drive and no controlers, can i use an auto star 495? Any info is greatly appreciated. [EDIT: this appears to be an LX3 from 1985! Unfortunately it cannot be upgraded for GOTO and the Autostar will not work with it.]   Harald D. 2080 LX3 1985 807030 I have a Meade 2080 LX3 Teleskop, located in Germany. Date of buy 1985. It has Nr. 807030 and is with non silver opical (high transmission cotting) and still in very good condition.   Keith 2080 LX3 1985 807061 It appears to be an early 2080 LX3, #807061. I had to have the secondary recoated, and was able to improve the views by centering the secondary and rotating the corrector.   Mark N. 2080 LX3 1985 807133 My son-in law received it for in exchange for labor. Imack's Meade 2080 LX3 Imack C. 2080 LX3 1985 807135 I just recently purchased a Meade 2080 LX3 from an Auction. Unfortunately, the scope had the secondary mirror with the silvering peeled and have to send it out for coating with Enhanced Aluminum. Also the electronic circuit was defective. I have ordered an small inverter board and hope to get it soon from China. In the future, I am considering to replace the small synchronous motor with a small geared stepper motor and in that way I can control the speed, advance and delay via Arduino microprocessor. No need for the ancient hand control. ! The serial number on that set is 807135. Hope will be a good rig when all is repaired and calibrated! Imack's Meade 2080 LX3 Russ R. 2080 LX3 1985 807721 I have just purchased a Meade 8" scope on an LX3 mount. (2080?) from a guy on Craigslist. The serial number is 807721. Need a power supply and covers for the lens.   Unknown 2080 LX3 1985 807768 Found listing on Astromart. If you own this scope, contact me at [email protected] if you'd like!   Maurice P. 2080 LX3 1985 807822 I have the meade LX3 telescope and the serial number is 807822.   Josh P. 2080 LX3 1985 808410 We have a Meade 2080 LX3. It was pulled from our club's storage unit and appears to be in good condition. Josh's Meade 2080 LX3 J.H. 2080 LX3 1985 808660 I recently purchased a Meade Quartz LX drive, serial number 808660. It has a Meade Model 38 dec motor on one side of the base. It says 'Multi-Coated Silvered Optics Group' on a plate near the (eyepiece) lens. J.H.'s 2080 LX3 Ken B. 2080 LX3 1985 809129 I recently picked up this Meade telescope, I believe it's a 2080 LX3. I found the serial number but not the build year. Serial Number: 809129 Ken B's 2080 LX3 Omar A. 2080 LX 1985 809144 I bought my telescope brand new in maybe in 1997 not sure. I took pictures with it for solar and lunar eclipses but have not used it a lot. Now I am ready to get very busy with it! Omar's 2080 LX Chris K. 2080 LX3 1985 809448 I recently purchased a 1994 2080 8", serial #809448. You can add that to your registry, if you are still building it. It also comes with the Lumicon Sky Vector system, which was installed in 1994. The Lumicon system is a tracking add on. You can punch in coordinates and it will tell you where to move the scope. I currently have the secondary out for recoating, as the silvered coatings are bad. I've had some great viewing so far and hope it gets better with a new coating. It's a beautiful scope, and powerful, but still ready enough to move around Chris' 2080 LX3 Michael C. 2080 LX3 1986? 809548 I just scored a used telescope from shop and it took me almost a year to find one of this quality and then win the auction.   Chris S. 2080 LX3 1986? 809605 I just cleaned up my LX 2080 that I got a while back and got the secondary recoated. I just have not taken it out yet. Just mounted it to a tripod dolly to make it easier to tote around. Do you know what LX it is and year based on the serial number for the registry? [EDIT: this appears to be an LX3 from 1986!] Chris' Meade 2080 LX3 John N. 2080 LX3 1986 810581 Just got a LX3 SN 810581 guessing 1986 vintage. Exterior of the scope and fork looks brand new, but the electronics are not working and it appears to have a replacement tripod. I think the secondary will need a recoating but everything else appears to be OK.   Thomas S. 2080 LX3 1986 810653 Meade 2080 LX3 purchased new in 1986 at the Meade parking lot sale in Costa Mesa. If I remember, it was $1199. It's been sitting in the trunk for 25 years and it is in excellent condition, except for the secondary mirror rot. Thomas' Meade 2080 LX3 Bill G. 2080 LX3 1986 810720 In the herd is a 2080 LX3 S/N 810720 silvered optical group purchased new in the summer of 1986 at a Meade parking lot sale in Costa Mesa.   Dan 2080 LX3 1986 810825 I have an 8" LX3 that I still use today. I've deforked it and have it on a CG-5 mount. I bought it in Nov. 1986. Purchase price was $1700, and I got $650 for my Cave 8" trade in (I had that scope for years, and I traded it in for $50 less that I paid for it). The Cave had great optics and rotating tube rings, but it was a pain to transport.   Ted O. 2080 LX3 1986? 811056 It came with the 8x50 Polar Viewfinder w/polar alignment receptacle red dim light and the 2 LR44 alkaline button cell batteries still work. It also came with the field tripod which was never used and the wedge with all hardware to move it side to side which was not installed and the 3 mounting screws which had not been opened.   Charlie B. 2080 LX3 1986? 811059 I got this 2080 LX3/MCSOG in November 2020. I had to recoat the secondary (of course), and the corrector has some patches of light fogging. Otherwise, it's in essentially new condition. No idea about its original sale date, but the S/N puts it probably around the end of 1986. Charlie's Meade 2080 LX3 Bill S. 2080 LX3 1987 811157 I purchased  new in May 1987. On the back of the secondary mirror was stamped Feb.1987.   Dave 2080 LX3 1987 811244 a 1987 Meade 8" 2080 LX-3 #811244 purchased from Adorama Dave's Meade 2080 LX6 Unknown 2080 OTA 1987? 811400 Found on astro buy/sell website. Might have been from LX3 or LX5? If you bought it, let us know!   PrimoDude 2080 LX5 1988 811860 I am second owner. First owner bought it late in 1988.   Geoff 2080 LX5 1988 812202 Just acquired Meade 8 in serial number 812202. I contacted Meade to try to get info on manufacture date but haven't heard yet. I'm guessing it's an LX3, but hoping it's LX5. Perhaps you know? [EDIT: turned out to be an LX5!] Geoff's Meade 2080 LX5 Roger M. 2080 LX5 1988 812551 I bought a used 2080 (8 inch) that I believe is an LX5 (based on your registry).   Etienne L. 2080 LX5 1988 813248 Someone just gave me his old telescope. It's an LX5 serial 813248. It's a bit dusty but seems to be in great shape, it came to me with some occulars, Barlow, finder scope. Etienne's Meade 2080 LX5 Saara B. 2080 LX5 1988 813303 I have a new addition for your Meade LX Registry - it's a Meade 2080 LX5, serial number 813303. Judging from the other serial numbers on the list, it was made in 1988. It's owned by the Undergraduate Astronomy Society (UAS) of the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada. I don't know where we got it from, but I'm guessing a prior club president bought it used around 2016-2018. Saara's 2080 LX5 Perry P. 2080 MTS 1988 813493 Purchased at garage sale. Came with the MTS pier-style mount, LX Drive, and Multi coated optics. (UPDATE: Perry bought the scope from Steve L.!)   Dan D. 2080 LX5 1988 813589 I purchased in 2017 this well maintained, solid Meade 8" LX5 /2080. Included was the stock dew-shield, hand controller, tripod with wedge, a 2" diagonal, adequate assortment of Meade 1.25" eyepieces, manual, scope and eyepiece case. Once this scope is polar aligned, it becomes a dependable workhorse. I am the 3rd owner. Dan's Meade 2080 LX5 Marty T. 2080 LX5 1988 813604 I bought my 2080 LX5 in 1988. The serial number is 813604. Marty's 2080 LX5 Magnus S. 2080 LX5 1988 813748 Hi just got this scope in prime condition. Fully equipped. Payed 90 Euro!!!!! Including many filter...more...Lucky! Magnus' 2080 LX5 Mark H. 2080 LX? 1988 814007 Hi! I recently got a vintage Meade model #2080-8" scope ss#814007. I would like to know if I can get an LX3 (LX quartz drive), as well as a tripod as I don't have any. Thank you much! [EDIT: I directed Mark to the Canadian Astro Buy and Sell as well as Cloudy Nights!]   Bob F. 2080 LX5 1988 814083 n/a   Eric 2080 LX5? 1988 814277 Purchased at a yard sale for an amazing price.   Lisa L. 2080 LX5 1988 814323 While I took possession of it in 1989, I purchased it in 1988 and put it on lay-away. I was a poor astrophysics major and $1900 was an extremely large amount of money back then.   Mark B. 2080 LX5 1988 814750 Purchased in the 80's from OPT! In great shape!   Mark S. 2080 LX5 1988 815194 Third hand, at least. Good condition. Prior owner traded for a television years ago.   John R. 2080 LX6 1988 815509 I bought this several years ago from eBay. The scope and all of its accessories are very clean and were still in their original boxes. I've attached an Orion Telescopes advertisement from 1989. The option 3 list can be used as a checklist for the accessories. It also came with the optional digital setting circles, electric focusing system and declination motor. The only thing missing was the observing chair. So, I assume that it was originally purchased in 1989. Its serial number is 815509. It still powers up perfectly and works in every respect. I've attached a couple of photos that I took shortly after purchasing it, using an unmodified Nikon D600. You can see that the field is not completely flat and the stars are distorted towards the edges. I suppose that this can be corrected with a field flattener or using a smaller sensor, but I have not tried that. Although they won't win any contests, I find the results rather pleasing for a 33 year old telescope. However, the tracking is good as this photo was the result of stacking unguided 30 second subframes. John's 2080 LX6 Henry L. 2080 LX3 1988 815611 We've had one Meade 2080 for about 15 years, it being owned by our Royal Astronomical Society of Canada but used at the Cronyn Observatory. Henry's Meade 2080 LX3 Unknown 2080 LX6 1989 815794 For sale on CN. f/6.3. If you own this scope, contact me at [email protected] if you'd like!   Rod H. 2080 LX 1989 816014 I thought I would contribute my own serial number for your list. I have a 2080, although none of the documentation that came with it specifies it as a 2080 LX. It was purchased in 1989...I think. It would not have been any earlier than '89, but could have been as late as 1990. It has a 110VAC RA drive, but no dec motor. There is a fine adjustment knob on the Dec axis with limited travel on the fork. It's on a Bausch and Lomb tripod. Optically, it's still quite nice, all the coatings seem to be in good shape.   Steve A. 2080 LX6 1989 816130 All original packaging, original manuals / charts / books, eyepieces, filters, imaging adapters, barlow lens, and many others I won't mention. Steve's Meade 2080 LX6 Manuel C. 2080 LX6 1989 816267 I recently bought a Meade 2080 LX6 Serial #816267, and am sending pics of my setup. Do you know anybody that works on the CAT module? I know it is super old tech but I hope there is someone out there that can help. [EDIT: I sent Manuel a link to the CAT manual, and directed him to the LX5 LX6 Groups.IO email group.] Manuel's Meade 2080 LX6 Unknown 2080 LX? 1989 816399 Found on Meade Forums. If you own this scope, contact me at [email protected] if you'd like!   Bill S. 2080 LX6 1989 816697 I purchased a LX-6 drive base second hand off ebay. I have no idea when it was made.   Mark B. 2080 LX6 1989 816897 This was a gift from years ago, Probably late 1980s.   Lowell B. 2080 LX6 1989 816900 I just recently inherited this barely used Meade 2080 LX6, serial 816900.   Henry L. 2080 LX 1989 816930 This telescope was donated to Cronyn Observatory by the estate of Biology Professor Jane Bowles of Western University. Henry's Meade 2080 LX Sharon L. 2080 LX 1989 817063 My dad bought this for my mom back in the day. He took delivery from the original Meade factory located in Costa Mesa, only a few miles from where we lived. It's being used today for deep sky imaging. The original price, including equatorial wedge, upgraded finder scope, and heavy-duty tripod was $1200.   Darren T. 2080 LX6 1989 817411 My fiance bought it for me as a wedding present and has been well used in its life. The scope has been a workhorse in all types of climate conditions and temperatures here in Canada. Darren's Meade 2080 LX6 Will 2080 LX5 1989 817544 Stock. Will's Meade 2080 LX5 Doug P. 2080 LX5 1989 817566 I bought it from the original owner and have had it for about 7 years. I have replaced the control panel and the motors for focus and dec. It runs like a dream and holds it's own at any star party. Doug's Meade 2080 LX5 John W. 2080 LX 1989 817743 I purchased this Meade 2080 from a guy a couple of months ago. It has all the original equipment and is in great condition, including the RA corrector (inverter) and all the leads. The manual is included along with eyepieces along with an original cleaning kit. The scope gives great views despite some slight corrector coating issues. The mirrors are in excellent condition. I'll be using it to view the planets soon, plus try to take some planetary images. The serial number of the scope is 817743 and according to the photocopy of a note in the kit, the scope is from 4th November 1989. The original purchase price was £1,080. The original owner lived in Kent, England. John W's Meade 2080 LX Brad B. 2080 LX5 1989 817776 I just acquired a Meade 2080 LX5 from a guy who had it for 7 years. Previously it was owned by a Doctor who only used it occasionally. The serial# is 817776 and I guess the date is 1989 based on the manuals (original included). Its seems to be all working!   Chuck L. 2080 LX5 1989 817790 I have a complete working LX5 with the 2080 optics. Purchased in 1991 from the original owner who had the scope 2-3 years. The main manual...and supplemental documents are dated 1989 and 1988 respectively. Serial number is 817790.   Tom G. 2080 LX5 1989 817835 Bought this from Broashurst, Clarkson & Fuller in London, UK in 1989, in memory of my dear Grandma. I am still using it 30 years on! Tom's Meade 2080 LX5 William R. 2080 LX6 Premier 1990 817983 Meade 2080 Premier Model 70 f/10 with LX6 drive, serial 817983, manufactured ~1990, original purchase Nov 1990 by previous owner. With 9x60 polar viewfinder and CAT.   Josh S. 2080 LX 1990 818147 My name is Josh Stapleton and the telescope in the pictures is one I inherited from my father when he passed. My kids and I are interested to get it up and running but I'm not sure where to begin. It looks like I'm missing a control panel as well. If this model is familiar to you I'd appreciate any insights. Thanks for the help! [EDIT: Turns out to be a 1990 2080 LX - Rick] Josh's Meade 2080 LX Larry B. 2080 LX5? 1990 818405 ser# 818405 possibly LX5 not sure. Possibly a 1990 ? t was given to me with no manual. I will follow your guidelines to try and locate a manual. There is so much I don't know about telescopes, always wanted one so I'm jazzed to get to know it. I appreciate your efforts to help people. More in the future.   Eric B. 2080 Premier 1990? 818664 I recently acquired an LX which I originally thought was an LX6. After researching a bit, however, I am convinced that I have a Premier edition. It's a f10 8" with the optional polar alignment scope but no C.A.T. or encoders. Serial #818664. Feel free to add it to your registry. Eric's Meade 2080 Premier Tim B. 2080 LX5 1990? 818879 I have an eight inch Meade 2080 LX5 f/6.3 wide-field , not sure of the year made. Serial #818879.   Robi 2080 LX5 1990? 818880 I have a Meade 8" f/6.3 serial number 818880. I bought it at a thift store 2 years ago. I notice you have a listing for 818879 that appears to be just like mine. Mine has the CAT encoder system but I dont have the hand controller or power supply. The base looks like an LX5 with just the one DIN connector.   Rick T. 2080 LX6 Premier 1990? 818924 My primary scope. Includes hand controller, RA and Dec motors. Works perfectly! Rick's Meade 2080 LX6 Mike G. 2080 LX6 Premier 1990? 819008 Purchased but unknown to what it is. Serial #819008 8" inch SCT. Believe it is a LX5 not an LX6 because it's an f10
[NOTE: based on serial number and other details about the controller, I believe this is an LX6 Premier just like mine! -Rick]   Gary T. 2080 LX5 f/6.3 1991 819264 I have a LX5 fork base with a 2080 f/6.3. optical system with a 6X30 finder scope and the 1.25 diagonal and eyepieces. S/N 819264. 30 years and counting. [EDIT: The scope legitimately appears to be an f/6.3 LX5 - likely a newer f/6.3 OTA mated to an older LX5. But it did come this way brand new from the dealer - interesting!] Gary's Meade 2080 LX5 f/6.3 Alan O. 2080 LX5 1991 819383 I have a Meade 2080 LX5, Serial # 819383 which I purchased from Focus Camera in February of 1992. I assume it was manufactured in 1991, but may have been in Focus Cameras stock for a longer period of time. Feel free to add me to the registry. The picture is of the Lunar Eclipse - Nov 8, 2003 - My twin boys, 3 years old at the time. Alan's Meade 2080 LX5 Jean-Luc L. 2080 LX6 Premier 1991 819439 Here are the pics of my new Meade SC 2080 lx6 Scope was bought in Belgium in 1989, and upgraded to lx6 in April 1991. Jean-Luc's Meade 2080 LX6 Peter D. 2080 LX6 Premier 1991 819826 Bought new in 1991 and have had the scope ever since, although it wasn't used much in the 2000s. The quartz drive microprocessor electronics in the mount have failed (continuous beep on startup and nothing else), so I'm searching for a replacement controller board. If necessary, I will defork for another mount as the F6.3 optics perform well and are still in great shape.   Tom G. 2080 LX6 Permier 1991 820249 I was given this drive base and forks which has 'Smart Drive' technology and PPEC. Looking forward to tidying this up and seeing what difference this makes to my guiding accuracy.   Richard M. 2080 LX 1991 820466 Purchased used for a really good price. It was pretty dirty when I got it. I cleaned it up the best I could. Richard's 2080 LX Tim H. 2080 Premier 1991 820577 I wanted to add this telescope to your registry. Tim's 2080 Premier Jason L. 2080 LX? 1991 820727 I recently purchased a Meade 2080 on Craigslist.   Francesco M. 2080 LX6 Premier 1991 820791 My telescope is a Model 2080/LX6, 8", it is in perfect condition. I bought it in 1990, however, I do not know its year of manufacture. [EDIT: It appears to be an LX6 Premier from 1991!]   Dennis A. 2080 LX6 Premier 1991 820903 Still works perfectly. Only upkeep is to clean all digital circle plug contacts every couple of years with Radio Shack Gold contact cleaner. Dennis' Meade 2080 LX6 Rick T. 2080 LX 1991? 821221 Bought 2nd hand through Kijiji. Manual dated 1994 but serial seems to be more around 1991. Rick's Meade 2080 LX Walter W. 2080 LX 1991? 821294 There are no markings on the scope other than the serial number of "821294" on a Meade tag. The unit has a right ascension drive that runs off 120 Volts AC.   Jean R. 2080 LX 1991? 822517 Bought second/third(?) hand three years ago, apparently very little used. No comments about it, it was in perfect condition. Re-equipped with new accessories, a real pleasure to use it! See the picture, such as ready for observation. Jean's Meade 2080 fungus57 2080 LX 1992 822572 This is a really nice Meade 2080 8" Schmidt Cassegrain, recently brought out of storage and barely ever used. The QA sticker says December 1992 and it has the Multicoated optics which look to be in great condition. fungus57's Meade 2080 LX Steven K. 2080 LX 1992 823073 I have just purchased one in near mint condition- coatings are intact, perfect, no degradation.   Greg D. 2080 LX 1992 823113 I am the original owner of this Meade 2080 8 inch SCT . I bought it at Scope City in Phoenix Arizona in 1992 with a eq wedge and a couple two inch Teleview low power eye pieces . After months of research and reading Astronomy and Sky and Telescope I finally obtained my first telescope. It was taken out several times a week for 15 years. Just me and my Tirion. Star hopping became second nature. Then life and work happened and the scope came out only a few times a year and then less. In January 2024 my 13 year old grandson saw it on a shelf. After calibrating the fork to center and mirror collimated, we were up and running. It is amazing how much you forget about the sky. I deforked the OTA and added a losmandy dovetail. It now resides on a SW Eq6 mount. The adventure continues with planetary astrophotography. The optics and coatings are like new.   LeRay 2080 LX 1992 823356 I purchased this Meade 2080 at an auction. It is in great shape and came with a bunch of eyepieces and a lighted finder scope with crosshairs and even a solar filter for the OTA. Also included was the Kendrrick dew remover system for all optics, main, finder eyepieces, etc. It also came with a VE MINITRAK. The owner kept detailed observation notes and there are several deep sky hardbound 2000 books and others. LeRay's 2080 LX Brian B. 2080 LX 1992 823389 I purchased a 2080 LX yesterday with serial number 823389. I purchased it from a private school. I do not know the year it was manufactured. Looking at the registry, it appears it would fall into 1992? It's in decent shape. Optics are very clean, surprisingly so. It does not look like they have been "cleaned." Secondary mirror is in excellent condition. It does need to be collimated. The tripod chrome is in excellent condition. Brians's Meade 2080 LX Ed S. 2080 LX 1993 824073 Purchased new in December 1993. The scope is a basic AC driven 2080, probably the LX2 model, however there is no "LX" marking on the telescope and I no longer have the box or invoice to be sure. It came with an 8x50 finder, MA25 eyepiece and equatorial wedge. I purchased a Meade UWA and two SWA eyepieces at the same time, and added a telrad finder later. The telescope was used often for about 15 years until a new, larger scope was acquired. It is still used occasionally as a "grab and go" telescope. It is light enough that it can be carried into the yard on it's tripod. Assuming the equatorial wedge is properly set, all that is necessary is to point the forks north, plug it in and turn it on.   Jeremy B. 2080 LX 1994? 824564 I just purchased yesterday, a Meade 8" SCT. I believe it is the base model 2080 and according to your registry, looks like it's from 1994 as one of the entries is literally 1, one, serial number higher than my Serial number: 824564.
This scope is in nearly new condition, both Mirrors are flawless and there's just a bit of dust on the inside of of the glass. It was always stored in its hard case, came with all of the originally supplied accessories plus some, and the clock drive works perfectly. I purchased it from the original owner for $300.00.
Having met my wife in Astronomy class is 1992, we've recently become interested in gazing at the heavens again, and this seems a great tool for that activity. Thanks for putting together the registry as Meade did not do a very good job of labeling the different models within the 2080 group. I'll send a picture once I have it assembled again.   Tom G. 2080 LX 1994? 824565 Just purchased an LX2080, likely from the early 1980's. It's been 40 years since I looked at the heavens and I'm excited to get into some dark skies here around Omaha NE. Meade Serial No. 824565. I'm at least the third owner. Everything seems to be in decent shape so I'm real happy for this find! Tom G's Meade 2080 LX Andre V. 2080 LX 1995? 825489 I have this Meade telescope which I got from a relative, who passed away a couple of months ago. I am supposed to sell it on behalf of the relatives wife. I really don't know anything about astronomy or those kind of devices at all. [EDIT: I gave Andre some information about this scope! Hopefully it helps!] Andre's 2080 LX Dr. Adrian J. 2080 LX10 ? 830337 I don't know how many people owned the telescope before least 2. Good luck with your endeavour!   AL S. 2080 LX10 ? 833579 I just wanted to add my LX10 to your list. Mine was in bad condition when I found it. I immediately deforked it due to severe rust and water damage. I believe it survived the Brisbane floods in 2010. I was told that it was completely submerged in a garage in dirty river water for 6 days. Amazingly the OTA, corrector and mirror were fine. I repainted it and added a new finder and a Telrad. I really enjoy it's views. I am grateful for it introducing me to my hobby or the repair and restoration of telescopes and mounts. Al's Meade 2080 LX10 Elton W. 2080 LX10 ? 836388 I am the current custodian of an LX10 Meade SCT Serial # 836388. It's on a HEQ5 Pro Mount alt/az tripod mount.   John H. 8" LX10 1998 837055 Meade LX10 serial 837055, bought new in 1998 for my 50th birthday and in time for the total eclipse in 1999. May have been sat in stock for a while. It’s been my only scope for years and so is well looked after. Still working with out a fault, mainly Lunar sketching. Tracking well on RA and Dec (Dec motor added, simple handset) all on a 9v battery… It has an inspection stamp on the OTA with "88" inside a triangle.   Ersen K. 2080 LX10 ? 838990 Hello this is my oldy but goldy lx10, but i dont know the date of manufacture Ersen's Meade LX-10 rugby 2080 LX10 2000? 843310 Recently bought a Meade LX 10 sct. It's in very good shape and the optics seem pretty sharp. rugby's Meade LX-10 AJ 2080 LX10 2003? 849367 I bought my LX10 from Astronomics in late 2003 and its serial number is 849367.  I don't know if it was manufactured that year, or earlier.  It possibly could have been in stock for a while before being sold.  

The Meade 2120 LX Registry (Oldest to Newest)

Owner Model Year Serial Description Pic Don S. 2120 LX 1983 100693 I just found a LX 2120 at a resale shop in Door County WI. This appears to be an very early LX. The mirrors appear OK. I bought it from the original owner who had owned it since new, having bought it from the Johannesburg Planetarium. Don's Meade 2120 LX Gary 2120 LX 1983 100695 Purchased by the original owner on July 15th, 1983 from Crown Optics in Newport Beach, CA, and was shipped all the way up to 100 Mile House, British Columbia, Canada. In 1983 the scope with equatorial wedge, high transmission coating option, and a couple of eyepieces cost $2,164 US. I purchased this well loved scope in 2023 (2nd owner) and am in the process of restoring it to its former glory.   Frank Y. 2120 LX 1983? 100800 Recently bought from an old gentleman in Sydney. The nearly 40 years old optic and coating is in very good condition, there's a sticker on tube "High Transmission Coating", the 1.25 diagonal is made in Japan.   George L. 2120 LX 1983? 100821 My name is George Lallemand and I bought a used one from an older gentleman. It's an LX 2120 in immaculate condition. The number is 100821. I guess it is a late 83 model. The tripod is as good as new. Minor peeling of the black tripod leg joints bit the rest is good. It included a wedge. Boy they are all iron heavy!   Ron W. 2120 LX 1983? 100861 I bought this scope in 1993 from an older gentleman who said it was 10 years old at the time. The picture was taken at the 94 Arizona Star Party in Arizona City. I have now owned it for 30 years. It has been in low humidity of Phoenix the whole time. The optics seem in good shape. The mirror coatings seem unblemished. There is some dust on the optics but I have not been brave enough to clean them. The drive is shot and one of the tripod legs is stuck. The drive and tripod were marginal to begin with. I'm considering transferring the ota to a SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro so I can start using it again. Rons's 2120 Peter L. 2120 LX 1983? 100870 I bought it from the original owner, who lives in the city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, who had owned it since new, having bought it from the Johannesburg Planetarium. Peters's Meade LX Sleestax (CN) 2120 LX 1984 100915 It's a Meade System 2000 #2120 that was shipped from Orion (the company) in early Dec 1984, serial #100915. The base has a small aluminum plaque that says "LX Drive System." I have the original invoice, which apparently held up better than the secondary! Has the regular wedge with deluxe latitude adjuster, the field tripod, original 2" diagonal, beer-can-sized (!) 2-inch "research grade" 32mm Erfle, setting-circle illumination, dew shield, high-transmission coatings, counterweights, accessory case, and assorted original eyepieces.   Preston M. 2120 LX3 1984 101529 I am the second owner of this scope, the original owner told be he bought the scope in 1984. The secondary has been recoated and the primary mirror is as good as new, the scope's internal primary mirror focuser has been rebuilt to stop mirror flop. The scope'e internal LX quarts drive still works great and there have been many long hours put on the drive system. It was originally used as a portable scope for an observatory outside of Atlanta, GA. It has now found new life at Mt. Rest Observatory in SC and in my back yard. For a 35 year old scope that has seen every type of abuse two active astronomers can deal out this scope continues to perform at the highest level.   Andy M. 2120 LX 1984 101720 I have owned from new a 2120LX serial number 101720. Bought in the UK in 1984 and shipped to Canada 5 years ago where I now live. It came on a German EQ with single drive motor and is in excellent condition.   Michael M. 2120 LX5 1985 101821 I just picked up a Meade Quartz LX f/10, with the pulse drive 39 Dec motor. The serial number is 101821. Michael's 2120 LX5 Terrence B. 2120 LX3 1985 101871 LX3 2120 s/n 101871 with silver coated optics; purchased second hand in 1988. Terrence's Meade LX3 Mario S. 2120 LX5 1985 101957 My Meade telescope is a LX5 2120, 10 inches, f/10, FL:2500mm, Serial number #101957, made in 1985   Dane S. 2120 LX5 1985 102029 Yesterday I was gifted what I think is a 10 inch LX5 with a box of random accessories. It definitely needs a cleaning but the serial number is clear and readable - 102029. Dane's 2120 LX5 Aaron G. 2120 LX5 1985 102099   Jan 2120 LX3 1985 102106 Rick, what a great idea to create a registry! Please include my Meade LX3 2120 serial number 102106. Manufactured in 1985. I am the original owner if this scope. For people who aren't sure of their manufactured dates if they have the original manual they can to look at the bottom corner of the back cover. Mine has the date 5/85 and matches the the 1985 date on some of the packing material. Mine was purchased in December 1985. So it might be the way to tell the year. I've attached 2 pics so you can see these dates. Hope this is helpful. [EDIT: Thank you Jan!] Jan's Meade 2120 LX3 Neville Y. 2120 LX5 1987? 102204 I bought this 2080 [ NOTE: I believe this is a 2120 based on the serial number. ] LX5 in 2017. The optics are good but before long the gearbox lost a few teeth. A major rebuild of the drive train was require, but I now have a good instrument. I used it in Sep 2018 to observe/record an exoplanet transit!   Brian G. 2120 LX3 1987 102220 I bought my 10" 2120LX3 on 12-18-1987 from Ad-Lib Astronomics, serial number is 102220. I still have the original receipt. Unfortunately, the motor drive quit working and I deforked the OTA. I'm currently waiting to get it remounted.   Donnie S. 2120 LX3 1987 102240 I recently purchased this from our local University. Donnie's Meade LX3 Alan B. 2120 LX5 1987 102384 Just picked up a Meade 2120 LX-5 SCT OTA with Quartz Pulse Drive, serial # 102384, but do not know the manufacture date. Needs a replacement dec motor.   Walt H. 2120 LX5 1987 102907 I wanted a larger scope for photography and picked up a used 10" Meade. It says Meade Quartz and LX Pulse drive on it. The AC/DC converter that came with it says for 2080/LX5 AND 2120/LX5.   Donald 2120 LX5 1987 102913 Meade Telescope Model No. 2120 Serial No. 102913 I inherited the above telescope. I would like any available information regarding this model.   Woody 2120 LX5 1987 102927 This LX-5 2120 10" telescope looks to be in solid shape. Woody's Meade 2120 LX5 John S. 2120 LX 1987 102993 I have an old Meade 10" 2120 LX5, serial number 102993, apparently 1987 vintage. I am second owner, found in an old paper astro ad in New Jersey approx. 1990. Still works flawlessly and looks good. Add it to the list if you'd like. John's 2120 LX Wayne S. 2120 LX5 1987 103032 I just imported my Meade LX5 2120 from Austin, Tx. It is a recent acquisition, but seems to be well documented and cared for. It is a 10 inch f/10 F=2500 mm (100") D=254 mm(10") Purchased new from Meade in Costa Mesa CA in 1988 for $1800USD.   Chris B. 2120 LX5 1987 103237 I bought it used in 1996 from Oceanside Photo and Telescope in California. Has Dec motor installed. Corrector plate has some coating damage, but other than that, still works like a champ.   Steve M. 2120 LX3 1987 103325 Meade 2120 LX3 10 inch MCOG with Equatorial Mount and Field tripod. Bought with Declination motor and Piggy-back mount. Steves's Meade 2120 LX3 Chris R. 2120 LX5 1987? 103365   Chris R's 2120 LX5 Stephen S. 2120 LX5 1988 103394 My 2120 LX5 was bought in 1988. the S/N is 103394. I just inherited it and am trying to get it working.   Gary L. 2120 LX5 1988 103450 Bought it, along with another scope from a daughter of the late owner.   Paul E. Meade 2120B LX5 1988 103683 I own Meade S/N 103683, 10" 2120B, f10, 2500mm x 254mm, Multi-coated Optics Group, LX5, wedge, field tripod, modified for "push to" with 4096 encoders, mirror stabilizer, Bob's Knobs, Nexus II, various lenses. Bought it used in 1993 when living in Central Oregon. Optics still good. Viewing is a bit limited now here on Kitsap Peninsula near Seattle.   Yvon B. 2120 LX5 1988 103715 I own a Meade 2120 LX5 dated June 1988 (I have the original receipt). It was originally bought by my cousin from whom I bought it back in the mid 1990's. If I remember right, he used it 3 times and I've used it twice. It was kept in a humidity controlled locker for more than 30 years. As you guessed, it is in pristine condition (looks like it was unboxed yesterday - no rust, no scratches, no finger marks, nothing!). It's serial number is 103715 and it is the multi-coated optics version. I'm in the process of selling it. Yvon's 2120 LX5 Kelvin T. 2120 LX5 1988 103824 I am a proud owner of a well maintained Meade LX5 2120 classic scope. It is being kept in excellent condition.   Wendy G. 2120 LX5 1988 103848 I bought my what is now I believe to be a LX5 2120 serial #103848 in and around 1989, from Oceanside Photo and Telescope, it had been previously owned.   Paul 2120 LX 1988? 104106     Albert 2120 LX5? 1988? 104223 Can anyone tell me which model Meade 2120 by serial #104233? I know Meade made many model 2120's. I hope someone know's. Thanks.   Mike K. 2120 LX6 1988 104921 For the last month I have been trying to determine the model of an old 10" Meade telescope I purchased, online from a previous owner, many years ago. After hours of meandering thru the internet forest I finally determined it was a Meade LX6. During my search I came upon a reference to your web site. I was interested to note that the serial no. of my LX6 (104921) was a little lower than any other LX6 listed in your data base. If possible, I would like to add this serial no. to your list. [EDIT: Absolutely!]   John R. 2120 LX6 1988 104924 I have a 2120 LX6 that I purchased new on 27 October 1988, when they first came out. It is S/N 104924.   Josh P. 2120 LX5 1988? 104953 I've just purchased my first telescope it's a Meade 2120 LX5 I believe. Going off the books and paperwork, with a serial number of 104953. Steves's Meade 2120 LX3 Charlie S. 2120 LX6 1988? 105066 I have just acquired a LX6 10" f/6.3.   David 2120 LX6 f/6.3 1988? 105381 I have a Meade 10" F/6.3 OTA. I removed it from the dead mount and put it on a CGEM. I have no clue what model it is but here is the serial number. [EDIT: It looks like an LX6] David's Meade 2120 LX6 Ken C. 2120 LX6 1988? 105434 Hi Rick, here are my Meade SCT scopes to add to your Meade registry. Thank you in advance, Ken   Carlo G. 2120 LX5 1988? 105464 Hi, I have bought an LX5 2120, serial 105464 can you help me to know the year? [REPLY: Based on the serial number it was likely made in 1988.]   Rudy M. 2080 LX6 1988? 105496 Hi, my serial no. is 105496. Got it from a friend who got it from his son who got it from his friend. Don't know the year it was made but would like to find out. Missing a few pieces like the eye pieces and a few other things that I don't know about. [EDIT: Rudy found the eyepieces and other accessories!] It came with 1 box for the tube. The rest of it is in a large plastic tote.The wedge is attached to the tripod. Needs a little polishing on the legs and a little wiping down on the base. Rudy's 2080 LX6 Jeff 2120 LX5 1988? 105584 I have a Meade 10" that I bought 40 years ago or close to it but my serial number is 105584. Both mirrors are in excellent shape.   David B. 2120 LX6 1989 105915 I've acquired an old Meade LX10 2120 with lots of accessories and all the original paperwork, brochures, manuals, receipts etc. I'm in the UK, acquired from my son (now living in the US), who got it from a friend who's Father bought it whilst living in Cyprus in March 1989. Serial number 105915. Probably needs some heavy maintenance but if you've got any UK contacts who might want to buy, please let me know.   Jim R. 2120 LX5 1988? 106384 I have an LX5 2120. Don't know the year. Serial Number 106384. F/10, D=254mm, F=2500mm. Jim's Meade 2120 LX5 Rick C. 2120 LX6 1989? 106709 I have an 10 inch F/6.3 2120 LX6 that I purchased when they first came out. It is NOT the Premier model and doesn't have the digital read out in the handset. My manual is copyrighted 1989, and that was about when I bought it.   Ken H. 2120 LX6 1989? 106859 Hello, I came across your LX registry in a couple places tonight while trying to figure out which version I have. The serial number on the mount is 106859, I'm trying to find out which version I've got. I just pulled the tube and fork out of storage to check, the accessories are in a different storage room that I will have to get into later, and if I remember right, I've got one of the NGC control units (or one version of it, I think I remember them being marketed by a few different companies at the time) in with the accessories. Is there a way to tell if this is LX5, 6, or whatever, by looking at the mount? I'll attach a couple quick pics. Thank you for your time and assistance, Ken
[EDIT: Based on the photos and serial, I'd say LX6!] Kens's Meade 2120 LX6 Cory R. 2120 LX6 Premier 1991? 107030 I was given this by a friend and co-worker before he passed away from pancreatic cancer. RIP Scott!   Rick C. 2120 LX6 1990? 107115 Replacement for LX6 mount mentioned above (106709).   Craig W. 2120 LX6 1990? 107600 I have an LX6 2120. Don't know the year. The Manual that came with it is copy righted 1990. Serial Number 107600. F/10, D=254mm, F=2500mm. It came with a 8X50 Polar View Finder.   Enrico T. 2120 LX6 Premier 1991 107740     Trav W. 2120 LX6 Premier 1991 107812 Purchased after July, 1991 as a 2120 10" f/6.3.   Ray S. 2120 LX6 Premier 1991 107843 Several months ago took possession of a 10 inch LX6 2120. A surplus scope from the Oregon observatory at Sunriver. It was well cared for at the observatory and is in beautiful shape. My friends down there even threw in some 2 inch glass. A 26, 38, and a 50. I removed the factory finder scope in favor of a Telrad. Ray's 2120 Steve H. 2120 LX6 Premier 1991 107892 Purchased a 2120 F/10 LX6 Meade Premier on 6/11/1991 serial # 107892   Kevin C. 2120 LX6 1991 107988 Hi Rick so I bought my 2120 LX6 serial# 107988 I believe in 1991. It's been packed away in my garage for the past 20 years. I got it out last year and use it mostly to guide my Nikon 400 2.8mm lens. Had to buy counter weights for the heavy lens….it works great Kevin's 2120 Roy K. 2120 LX6 Premier 1991 108094 Original OTA is from an LX5 but is now on an LX6 Premier mount.   Peter B. 2120 LX6 Premier 1992 108771 The primary mirror is dated 1-20-92. Semiconductors on the main board are dated 1991 at the latest. I assume this telescope was built in 1992. It has the fine tooth smart drive with PPEC. No encoders. I received it with a Meade straight-through 8x50 finder. Standard wedge. I purchased the telescope from the Rockford Amateur Astronomers (Illinois). It was previously owned by a club member who passed away in 2001. Peter's 2120 Chris S. 2120 LX6 Premier 1992 108779 I recently acquired this scope from a gentleman who lived south of Orange Park, FL. He said he only owned it for a few months. He said he purchased it at an estate sale on Sarasota, FL.  

The Meade 204x LX Registry (Oldest to Newest)

Owner Model Year Serial Description Pic Kirk G. Meade 2040 1980 400893 My scope is a 2040 that I bought used in 1979 or 1980. It's been out of the case only occasionally over the years; but I'm recently retired and now have time to play with it. Despite its age, it still delivers clean, clear images. Came equipped with the in-line finder shown dismounted in the photo. I found that pretty much useless, since there's no way to get my head or eyes behind it when the scope is pointed any direction except horizontal. I bought an 8x30 right angle finder, and 3D printed a bracket to mount it. I've recently bought a tee tube for mounting my DSLR, and hope to learn a bit about photography. I know that F10 isn't ideal for that; but I'm not ideal either, so we'll see what happens. Kirk's 2040 Tony S. Meade 2040 1980? 400990 I recently picked up a Meade 2040. Very cool scope, overall in excellent condition considering its age. Mechanically everything moves very smoothly, optics are very clean, nice sharp star test. Tony's 2040 Dave Meade 2044 1981? 401067 I have a 2044 and it looks an awful lot like the 2040. It is a sweet little setup once collimated, which is crazy sensitive. Slightest bit of pressure on a hex wrench without feeling movement can go from dialed in to not great. Dave's 2044 Abe Meade 2040 1981? 401110 I managed to find a 2040 just last week. I had been watching for a 2040 for years and years without seeing a single listing and then within the past few weeks a couple appeared. Abe's 2040 Ellie S. 4" 2045 LX 1984 426083 I purchased my telescope in July 1984 new from a camera store that is long gone now. The serial number is 426083. Your registry indicates all serial numbers start with an 8 so I am confused. Meade told me it is 2080 LX series. They sent me that manual. If you can clarify I would greatly appreciate it. [EDIT: It's a Meade 2045! A 4" SCT and the 2080's little brother. I sent Ellie a link to the 2045 manual.]   Dave 4" 2045 LX 1985? 427692 I saw your awesome website and was wondering if you could tell me which model scope I have ? Thanks for your time! [EDIT: It looks like a Meade 2045!] Dave's Meade 2045

The Meade LX50 / LX100 / LX200 Registry (Oldest to Newest)

Owner Model Year Serial Description Pic Harry B. 8" LX200 Classic 1992 822535 Serial number 822535, and 06/92 on the keypad PCB. I only have a photocopied user manual. I bought the telescope 3rd hand at the end of 2012 in London UK, when it would have been around 20 years old.   Michael M. 8" LX200 Classic 1993 823221 Very good optics on the ronchi star test, second owner, included #1206 Electronic Focuser. 06/93 indicated on hand controller PCB, 1993 on printed Operating Manual. Michael's Meade LX200 Classic John W. 8" LX200 1997 831512 I just purchased an 8" LX200 EMC used. I estimate it was probably purchased around March or April 1997 based on dates I found inside it. Jonathan P. purchased around 2000, sat unused for 8yrs, stored inside, until sold to me on 7/15/2024.   Vince T. 8" LX200 199? 834942 Please add my Meade 8" LX200, serial #834059, ca. 199x, to the registry. Purchased October 2020. I'm the third owner. Thank you.   Ken C. 8" LX50 199? 834942 Hi Rick, here are my Meade SCT scopes to add to your Meade registry. Thank you in advance, Ken   Erico T. 8" LX200 199? 835049     Kevin N. 10" LX200 f6.3 1992 109683 Serial Number on my LX200 is 109683. I purchased the Meade LX200 EMC 10" f6.3 on 12/20/1992. With a equatorial super-wedge, separately. It is in excellent condition. Some electronic issues, which I repaired previously with some new chips, but those seem to have reared their ugly head again. I love this telescope, used it for astrophotography, in some very light polluted skies. Family, age, health had put it to less use. Not as easy to lift when you have MS. Great telescope! (I recently purchased a ZWO Seestar 50). Having MS, that has given me the opportunity to go back and get back into the hobby I love, and to do more astrophotography (5lbs (Seestar) vs 60lbs (LX200)). Still loved my LX200. Kevin's LX200 Rick P. 10" LX200 1993 111167 Purchased my 10" F10 LX200 EMC in 1993 through a Sky and Telescope advertisement, although I can't remember which company. The scope has been permanently mounted on my rural mountaintop since 1995 protected only by a small unheated fiberglass dome. Completely at the mercy of the cold winters, summer heat and humidity. Routine simple maintenance every couple years for grease and electrical contacts. Optics are still pristine. Works like a champ and has never failed. Used it just last week for nebula imaging. Have cleared the trees all around the dome since the picture was taken years ago. Since the scope is 1/2 mile from the nearest wall power it has always run off a solar maintained, 12V marine battery. Rick's LX200 Yves L. 10" LX200 EMC 1993 111418 I Got my first serious rig as a LX200 EMC 10 inch f/6.3 with serial #111418. Built in march 1993. Excellent condition, all original OTA and alt-az mount. Solid transport case.   Joel H. 10" LX200 199? 111455 Reciently purchased and I need a power cord. I am also interested in any upgrades to enhance viewing.   Fred 10" LX200 1992 112051 I have an LX200 with a serial number of 112051 and a controller PCB date of 6/92.   Mark S. 10" LX200 1994 113529 Rick, stumbled across your posting about serial numbers and manufacture dates for Meade telescopes. I have a Meade LX200 10-in that I purchased in December of 1994. Serial number 113529. Hope this helps.   John L. 12" LX200 EMC 1996? 113997 I purchased used (around 2003) from now-defunct camera store Shutan located in the northern suburbs of Chicago (Vernon Hills). The clerk in the store hinted that the previous owner was an heir to the Walgreens fortune. (Walgreens is headquartered in nearby Deerfield Illinois.)

The original blue manual has the 1996 copyright on it. This serial number suggests it is older than 1996 but it may be a "Rosetta Stone" telescope in dating other scopes. The previous owner put a Planetary Society sticker on one of the tripod legs.   CrispyinAlbany 12" LX200 199? 114028 I have just bought an old Meade LX200 12 inch in very good condition, which originally came from an observatory just north of Perth W.A. From looking at the trail of the contributions, I reckon that mine is probably late 1990's. I attach a picture of it and the two numbers that I have for it are - 114028 & 113022. Reciently purchased and I need a power cord. I am also interested in any upgrades to enhance viewing. CrispyinAlbany's Meade LX200 Lewis X. 10" LX200 EMC 1995 114799 My scope, a 10" LX200 EMC (serial #114799) was originally purchased from Astro Mekanik, a store in Denmark. The original owner sold it, around 2005, to a businessman who lives north of Montreal, Canada, and I bought it from him on Aug. 5, 2021. It came with an instruction manual, copyright 1995 (Ver. 0195-1), and a keypad, marked Revision 3.20. The scope runs on 18v and the software is Ver. 3.34. Based on all the evidence, I'd say the year of manufacture was 1995. It's a pristine gem that's barely been used... a situation I plan to remedy. Lewis' Meade LX200 EMC Gerry C. 10" LX50 1996 116816 Accessories: Standard wedge, standard field tripod, carry case. Gerry's Meade LX50 Boris S. 10" LX50 1998? 118641 Over the holidays I got a 10" Meade LX-50, but I don't know the age. I've used it some already, and the optics look pretty good for an SCT (though it needed collimation, which I provided). Boris' Meade LX50 Christian B. 10" LX50 1998? 118660 Bought a used Meade LX50 last year.   Barry S. 10" LX200 1998? 118771 The 10" Meade LX200 EMC dates from approximately 1998/99 and it's serial number plate is located by the electronics on the fork base.  Serial # is 118771.  This tube assembly also has white decal lettering on the tube (but no serial # there).   Jesus Piñeiro V. 10" LX200 f/6.3 1998 119524 This scope was purchased in 1999 (OTA only) and was mounted on a homemade mount with 7.5" Byers AR Drive (originally with AC Synchonous motor) and JMI Mototrak V control unit. Since 2016, the control unit was upgraded to GOTO by adapting a Skywatcher EQ-6 motherboard with stepper motors and hand control (Skaywatcher Upgrade kit). The scope is still in use and its optics remain in optimal conditions. [EDIT: Jesus let me know he found a date on his OTA - 1998!] Jesus' Meade LX200 Gary E. 10" LX200 2000? 121759 I am the new owner of a Meade LX200, Serial number 121759. Not sure what the year of manufacture is as I have not gotten into look at the motors yet. Feel free to add me to the list!   Barry S. 12" OTA (LX200) 2000? 121849 The second scope is a 12" purchased as a tube assembly only.  It looks like a scaled up version of the 10".  It has no decal lettering on the tube, but it does have a serial # plate by the grab handle on the outside of the mirror cell.  The number is: 121849.  Having the serial number plate here makes me think that it was purchased as a tube assembly only.  I believe it was purchased sometime between 1999 and 2001.  The grab handle and focusing knob are identical to what is on the 10"   OldManTaco70 12" LX200 EMC 2001 122297 Printed circuit boards are dated 1996. User Manual is copyrighted 1996. No label on Dec motor, but the label on RA motor (some say it is the build date for the scope) is "04.19.01 HT". So, was it born on/about April 19, 2001?   Harry G. 12" LX200 EMC 200? 123725 LX200 EMC 12" electronic focuser. Serial 123725. Maybe 200? Harry's Meade LX200 Eric C. 10" LX200 EMC 200? 124978 I just purchased a 10" LX200 serial 124978 that appears to be in pristine shape. It even had the lock/transport screw still in place on the focuser to lock down the primary. The scope has the upgraded "Classic Telescope / Control System Upgrade" controller on the fork mount. I would LOVE to get any documentation on this upgrade. Note: I sent Eric some info regarding GMD & Associates who make the upgrade in question. Eric's Meade LX200 Tank 12" LX200 EMC 200? 127395     Ray S. 10" LX200 2001? 128155 10" f/10 LX200 EMC Classic from ~2001. SN 128155. Bought from original owner ~2006, in Scottsdale. Had the GMD AutoStar Upgrade controller installed at George's after the caps melted the hand pad circuit. EyeOpener III, 2" diagonal and eyepieces. Telrad, and 8x50mm OEM finder. Home Depot dew shield. Mirror lock, focuser upgrade, cooling vents. Upgrade kit: OTA disassembled, cleaned and blackened with Flockboard and Krylon UFB. Stanford Photonics XR/M, SVBony 705C, Canon Rebel IR-modded, old 1004x JG mod camera I also wrote the LX200 Python interface library: Rays's LX200 EMC Terrence B. 10" f/10 LX200 2000? 128174 LX200 EMC 10inch f/10 s/n 128174; purchased new in the early 2000s...don't remember exactly when. I have the super wedge with the LX200; however, the photo shows alt-az mode...easier for me to setup for short duration testing. Terrence's Meade LX200 James B. 10" LX200 EMC 200? 128558 I just picked this up from someone who'd already had it about 10 years. He told me that the problem capacitors in the motor unit had been replaced and that the keypad was new because the capacitor on the previous keypad had failed and ruined the wire traces. James' LX200 Mike Q. 10" LX200 EMC 200? 129865 Here is my LX200 EMC 10 inch. I am told it is a 90s version. Optically it is insanely good, the electronics have all been updated. I am the third owner of this scope. Mikes's LX200 EMC Jan S. 16" LX200 EMC 200? 160724 I have a Meade 16" LX200 EMC with s/n 160724, any idea what year it was made? [EDIT: my best guess is late 1990's - Rick]   Pat R. 14" LX200 GPS 2004 099189 My 14" LX200GPS was made in 2004. The serial number is 099189.   Jacob B. 10" LX200 GPS 2005 097836 LX200 GPS 10" F/10. There is what appears to be a service sticker on the Dec. motor that is dated "23/06/05". The OTA still has the "Meade Quality Assurance Document" sticker showing assembly inspectors. It has the later model brass gears, what I believe to be the original 26mm 4000 series Meade Plossl eyepiece, and the original 8x50mm finder scope. Jacob's LX200GPS Ed P. 14" LX200R 2007 102260 With the funds from the RCX400 sale (S/N 101005), I purchased 14" Meade LX200R S/N 102260. It was mfg in 2007 (best guess as I have the original sales receipt dated 2007). She's a beautiful piece of technology that performs as if she were new! It was a nice find.  

The Meade RCX400 Registry (Oldest to Newest)

Owner Model Year Serial Description Pic Gary M. 10" RCX400 2006? 098684 I found your Meade LX Registry and was wondering if you would want to add RCX400 scopes to the list? I'm kind of on a quest to figure out how many RCX400 scopes were made and if their serial number would offer any clues. [EDIT: Of course!]   Gary M. 10" RCX400 2006? 098799 This is Gary's second RCX400.   John H. Meade 10" RCX400 2007 101005 (From Ed P., the previous owner) Late in 2023 I purchased this ULTRA RARE condition Meade RCX400 10” telescope and tripod. It's ALL there and in new condition! The telescope was purchased from a friend whose uncle unfortunately experienced health issues which prevented him from ever using it. The 2 boxes it came in were opened to verify the status of the equipment, take inventory, take pictures of everything, and resealed. This is a true "garage find!!!"

There is a 2007 Meade catalogue included and the UPS shipping label shows 01/2009 as the date it was shipped/received. There is also a picture of the inventory dated 6-5-07. I am guessing it was made in 2006-2007. John's RCX400 Gary M. 10" RCX400 2007? 102197 This is Gary's third RCX400.  

Other Meade LX Telescopes (Oldest to Newest)

Owner Model Year Serial Description Pic Ursula 8" LX90 ? 001692 I recently purchased a Meade LX 90 with serial number 001692   Brian B. 8" LX90 2000? 010450 I have an LX90 I purchased this summer Serial number 010450 Manufacture date is after 2000 as that is the date on the owners manual. Overall the scope is in nice shape.   Barry S. 6" LX80 ? 81258 I have a relatively new 6", which was sold as a separate tube assembly but likely came from a total package.  It's serial # sticker says LX80, and the serial # is 81258   Dave S. 12" LX90 ACF 2020? 112399 My 12" LX90ACF was purchased in 2024 from the original owner via a reseller. Serial number 112399. Best guess is 2020 manufacture date. The 'scope is in almost factory-pristine condition, as is the ScopeBuggy on which it rides (given to me by a friend).  

Other Interesting Telescopes (Oldest to Newest)

Owner Model Year Serial Description Pic Michelle S. 90mm 97ER ? 811554 My Dad's old telescope: a Meade 90mm Maksutov f/11 model 97ER with enhanced coatings and rubber armored exterior. USA made. Complete with 20x5 Japan finderscope, sturdy metal case, 25mm MA eyepiece, erect- image diagonal .965 and caps for both ends. Michelle's Meade 97ER Brea 90mm 97D ? 911181 I currently have a Meade telescope with serial number 911181, unsure of model number, other specs etc. [EDIT: Looks like it might be a Meade 97D from around 1985?] Brea's Meade 97D

End of Registry.